Friday, May 15, 2009

Upcoming Town Hall Meeting

We are preparing for our Town Hall Meeting with the DEQ next week to address our concerns regarding toxic industrial emissions in our air around the neighborhood and our schools:

Neighbors for Clean Air Town Hall Mtg with the DEQ
Thursday, May 21st 7.00pm
Chapman Elementary School Auditorium

I want to challenge you to be part of a positive outcome to this meeting.  We will use this meeting to deliver our petition.  We are still a few hundred short of the goal of 1000 signatures.  Can you pledge to "walk a block" of our neighborhood to get more signatures and to encourage people to attend this meeting? This could be yours, or you could sign up with me to walk areas of the neighborhood that still have yet to be informed adequately about this issue.

It is critical that, in order to garner the attention we need to this issue, we show our force in terms of number of people that are concerned about the information in the USA Today report.  That means, yes: YOU.  We need you at this meeting.

Remember, people can also now sign the petition on line at:

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