Friday, July 31, 2009

Cascadia Times update

As you may have heard Cascadia Times is investigating the air quality issue in Portland

Here are some of our findings.

What I've found is that toxic air emissions from ESCO, a steel foundry in Northwest Portland, grew by 4800 percent from 2003-2007.

They are serious enough to be impacting neighboods all over Portland, from Gresham to Hillsboro and Lake Oswego to Vancouver.

This is a citywide problem and is not limited to just one neighborhood.

I've learned that arsenic, antimony lead, hexavalent chromium, manganese, nickel, selenium, copper, zinc and mercury are just some of the toxins found by independent monitoring of ESCO’s emissions.

But ESCO is not the only polluter of toxins into Portland air. Oil companies like BP and Chevron are discharging massive amounts of toxic gasoline vapors, including carcinogenic benzene, from more than 500 large, leaky storage tanks across the Willamette River from the Rose Garden Arena, and into Northwest, North and Northeast Portland.

"The right-to-know" eludes Portlanders. Oil giant Kinder-Morgan Inc., an Enron spinoff, is one of those gasoline companies with toxic emissions. But its emissions from more than 150 gaoline storage facilities in Portland and across the country have never been reported to the public, unlike emission from many other polluters. Kinder-Morgan’s CEO was the number 1 fundraiser for fellow oilman George Bush's presidential campaigns. Aren't you into campaign finance re4form? Here's your poster boy,

Residents say odors from ESCO and the gasoline terminals have been causing discomfort, headaches and nausea. Oregon's DEQ says it has done all it can do to abate residents’ suffering from toxics in the air.

We developed a 2-page map: “Portland's toxic cloud” — by converting EPA air-toxins data to a map of Portland charting the spread of pollution from ESCO. Our’ analysis of the data shows that as you go closer to the ESCO site, the more toxic the air gets. Leave a comment if you wou like a draft odf copy, -Paul Koberstein

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